Tuesday, February 7



Got a mono.cmg working tonight :)
proof is in the screen shots :),

mono running on kanotix from a cmg powering sharpmusique
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

And heres a copy of the recipe

The major problem is having to tweak the starting script for most mono apps...

The cmg is 59.1mgs it uses the installer from the mono site

Monday, February 6


Sanity for GTK#

from http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2006/Feb-03.html Miguel himself


For the upcoming versions of Mono, we will be splitting the gtk-sharp packages to reduce the dependencies that a given application needs.

So if you just use Gtk+ your application will not pull all the Gnome stack tlo run."


Saturday, January 21


Mono Madness

Turns out that having a movable mono is easy, it's gtksharp where the trouble starts.....

And as all the cool mono apps require gtksharp...... which requires gtk 2.4 or greater

And the deps for gtksharp are:
So pretty much all of gnome then.......

Thursday, January 19


UAPH - The Ugly Absolute Path Hack

Many apps in linux are coded using absolute paths, never a good idea really

This can cause a lot of trouble when trying to package an app into a cmg

Introducing the 'Ugly Absolute Path Hack'

We compile the path to /tmp/app-name-version-guid

We then alter the wrapper to soft link at run time /tmp/app-name-guid to the mounted location of the cmg.

And there you go you have an absolute path you can referance off of.

NOTE: This is no way even near 'best practice' but it does help to get some packages working as a last ditch no other options left hack



Tried F-spot out for the first time.

Genius to the guy who thought up the timescale bar, so obvious yet so good

Monday, January 16


Most Requested

Nobodys saying a 6 month release cycle is bad , in fact it's good.

But not having the latest and greatest is bad so heres the rest




Ifolder Goodness

I've been using iFolder at work for a while now and its great,

There is a cmg I've compiled at http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=5199

This requires mono with GTK#


Default Icon in Gnome for Klik .cmgs

This is an easy one, run the script for icons in the previous post
download the icon at http://klik.atekon.de/ikons/klik.pngSave it as ~/.icons/gnome-mime-application-x-extension-cmg.png

This will give you an icon on ALL cmg's in gnome

Friday, November 11


Gnome Icons for Klik

Klik has recently started adding icons to packages, Yay!!

You can find a script for installing here

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